Geographic micro-targeting Facebook: How to Target Individual Buildings With Facebook Ads
In this post you learn how to target a specific building with Facebook and Instagram Ads. As the audience is very specific and targeted to your audience on the right place this kind of Facebook targeting can have very good return on investment. Geographic micro-targeting Facebook is a simple addition to the normal location targeting on Facebook.
Why do you want to target a specific building or very small area on Facebook Ads?
With this kind of targeting you can communicate a hyper relevant message with the right timing.
- Target an specific event or location full of potential clients
- Target people at real estate auctions
- Target people at large home furnishing malls
- Target watersport enthusiasts at the HISWA Rai
- Target a stadium full of specific fans
- Target people that are always in the same traffic jam
- Target a big meetup in your niche
- Target an airport for incoming or outgoing travellers
- Target a park full of active people
- Target an event in Albert Park
- Target people traveling a certain time on a train station
- Target members of a local Gym
- Target a specific wedding event
- Target people at Saturday and Sunday at the top 10 wineries
- Specific targeting for a local sports club Saturday/Sunday?
- Target the visitors of the building of your competitor during business hours? Why not?
Target visitors of a specific BUSY location by lunch time? Wait what? Why?
You can create hyper relevant content like: Hungry and want something nice? We deliver you a bagel of choise & fruit shake to you in 15 minutes.
How can you use Geographic micro-targeting on Facebook?
Whatever reason you might have, this can be a new strategy to implement in your Online Advertising.
Geographic micro-targeting on an event
Events and expo’s are great ways to communicate and network with new potential clients, especially when they have seen you before in a positive way.
- Example of a Speaker on an event
- You’ve done your speech at the event.
- At the end you refer to your stand and where they can find you
- You mention your website and services
- With detailed micro targeting you can get in their phone
- Make a picture / video at the event and make a CTA (Call to action)
- Serve the Ad or video on the audience network, their timeline and messenger box
- Almost every website they possibly scroll YOU can pop-up
- Every time they open their messenger YOU can pop-up
- Every time they open their Instagram YOU can pop-up
Depending on the goals the CTA messages can vary:
- Get our course for free, sign-up today
- Pickup your goody at our stand #231
- Get your free E-book
- Etc.
Convinced Geographic micro-targeting can work for your business?
Learn how you can setup geographic micro-targeting for Facebook Ads
1) Go to Audiences in your Facebook Ads Manager

2) Create a new audience “Saved Audience”

Always create Facebook Audience before you start
Always create new audiences beforehand. This way when you’re building campaigns you can apply your saved audiences very easy on every campaign. This way you can also work more structured and create first all the audiences you want to use and give Facebook time to generate the audiences while you’re building your campaigns.
Another advantage of saving the audience is that you can easy re-use them. If you do for example multiple campaigns a month and a Exhibition Centre is coming back each time, you can use the location audience over and over again. Make sure you not down the results of the audience while targeting and running the campaigns.
Note: If you want to narrow down your audience
With the targeting option Facebook is providing you can narrow down your audience even more, but be aware that the Geographic micro-targeting technique is already working with a very small audience so it can reduce the results.
If you don’t know how to setup a Facebook campaign
When you never had setup a Facebook campaign first start learning or learn from a professional. As there are many campaign objectives that give different results. If you want to try it yourself start with a small budget and learn from every step you make. Always make just one change and analyse the results before you make conclusions. (To make conclusions if a campaign is working you need enough data)
How to set up audiences for geographic micro-targeting on Facebook
- Give your Audience a name you will remember for future purposes
- Select “Everyone in this location”
- And add the address of your building
- For more details watch the video about the Geographic micro-targeting below
- Save your geographic micro-targeting Facebook Audience
Create a pin on a specific address you want to target

Set geographic exclusion zones
Facebook marketers already use exclusions in their audiences but not often geographic exclusions this way. Be aware every audience you can create you can exclude, for example you can exclude existing page likes, or existing clients or this way you can narrow down you audiences and create more effective campaigns.

Result of your Geographic micro-targeting

NOW your ready to create an Adset with micro-targeting on Facebook and Instagram
Tips to make the right Facebook Advertising content for Micro-targeting
Be specific with your message
Geographic micro-targeting Facebook strategy will give you the opportunity to target very specific audience & serve them a very specific message tailored to their current situation. You can take this opportunity to create content that exactly fits to this specific audience on the right moment.
Create a look a like audience from video
When using video you can create look a like audiences from people that have seen your content. This way you can create a look a like audience and target & retarget people in the future much more easier and effective based on the date you gain from the event.
Previous questions
Facebook tells me my audience is to small
Don’t worry, Facebook usually is getting larger audiences and in comparison your audience is small. I never had a problem in the past with running a campaign like this. Just push through and run the ads to see what happens but yes Facebook prefers to let you target a broader audience to spent more.
My Facebook or Insta ads aren’t displaying the exact time I want
Make sure you’re on time with launching and creating your Ads, often Facebook Ads take time to get approved. The best way is to get them approved before you want to start using them so you only have to turn them on before the event is going on. If your ad is still not running remove all your other narrowing and run only the location based audience and see what will happen.
Why is my CPA (Cost Per Action) high?
The CPA is maybe higher than usual but be aware that you click you get are probably way more valuable than the normal campaigns you’re running. In this case don’t get too much in the data but see what the results are overall.
If you’ve don’t be shy and let me know!
Want to learn more with simple Facebook Advertising video’s?
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Inspired by new perspectives
This geographic Facebook Micro-targeting post is inspired by Trey Edwards a former political junky that is a life long student and transformed himself to Facebook Campaign manager with unique perspectives on the Online Advertising world! Please check out his website. NOTE: I removed links in this paragraph as they seem to go malicious websites now; 1 July 2024.