Social Media

Pinterest for business owners

Benefits of Pinterest for Business Owners

Pinterest is a social media platform built around the concept of saving ideas. These ideas can further be added to heavily curated collections called boards which can be viewed, shared and even contributed to. These ideas can be anything from…
Local Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

Local Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

Before you start with Local Search Engine optimisation make sure you have all your information around your local business ready to go. This will save you time while creating listings & will make sure all the data you fill in…
Why Pinterest - Advertise on Pinterest

Why Use Pinterest? (Google is copying them!)

Visual search: Why Use Pinterest and Why Do People Use Pinterest? Are people wasting time, energy and your happy mood by the overload of distracting content on current Social Media platforms? Pinterest is a alternative and people are jumping on…
How to auto hide Facebook comments

How to auto hide Facebook comments

When you run your Facebook Ads it can be beneficial to hide certain comments from your Facebook Ads to make them perform better. Below I will explain you how you can auto hide your comments on your Facebook Ads or…
Content & Distribution Strategy

Content & Distribution Strategy

Learn more in the article about content and distribution below! Creating awesome online content and almost no readers/ viewers? You can create amazing articles, video’s infographics and much more content with great value but sometimes only a few people see your…
Virtual billboard: Red light crossing campaign Paris

Virtual billboard: Red light crossing campaign Paris

The Virtual Crash Billboard was done by Serviceplan Paris advertising agency for Road Safety Authority in France. This video is released in 2017 by Serviceplan in order of the French road safety authority DRIEA (Direction Régionale et Interdépartementale de l’Equipement…
Know Like Trust Love Factor

Know Like Trust & Love

Do you know about the Know Like Trust & Love factors? When you simplify the (online and offline) marketing strategies you can put them into 4 sections. Below I will explain the Know Like Trust & Love factors separately. Read which…
How to create short Linkedin URL

How to create Short URL Linkedin

It is very easy to create a short URL for LinkedIn. Follow the steps in this article and you have a nice clean personal URL for your LinkedIn. Advantages to have a short LinkedIn URL Looks personal Easy to remember…